Vaseline is one of the beauty secrets that are emerging in the waves that help to lengthen the eyelashes. Vaseline is also known as petroleum jelly and it has been used in house hold chores for many years. It has been used in hair care, cosmetics and as a moisturizer. Research has not shown the exact time when the product started being used on eyelashes but most people have associated it with positive results. However, this approach varies from one person to another because some people have said that there were no changes that were noticed on their eyelashes after its application.

Vaseline On Eyelashes
How To Use Vaseline On Eyelashes

Vaseline helps to moisturize and condition the eye lashes that are brittle and dry. As people grow, the eye lashes are shed daily and renewed by new ones. Vaseline helps to strengthen the eyelashes and makes the new ones that are growing to become fuller and thicker.

This product is cheap and the only thing that is needed is a jar of Vaseline that should be supplied o a regular basis. The Vaseline can be applied using a mascara wand that is clean or has not been used before. This is because the eye lashes can be infected by introducing dirt and microbes on them when using dirty appliances. The Vaseline can also be applied using fingers and it is important to ensure that the hands are clean before application. A little amount of petroleum jelly can be dubbed on the fingers or the mascara wand and this should be applied gently on the eyelashes. The best time to apply the Vaseline is at night before going to bed. There is no problem when one applies the mascara during the day but it is likely that one will rub it off. Applying it at night also helps to free the eyes so that one can apply mascara during the day. It is important to note that mascara and Vaseline should not be used on the eye lashes together. The Vaseline should be washed off in the morning before going out of the house.

To be able to see the results, then petroleum jelly should be applied every night for the whole week. The results are different and they differ from one person to another. Some people will be able to notice changes within a few weeks while others it will take months. The Vaseline might not lengthen the eyelashes but it will cause them to be strong, healthy and shiny.

Vaseline is a cosmetic product that is used worldwide and it is one of the oldest products. It has increased versatility in that it is used in the treatment of many skin conditions. This includes chapped lips and hands, fungal infection in the toe nail and cracked feet.
Research has shown how the product was used on eyelashes for a period of approximately three weeks. It was realized that the eyelashes did not grow longer at that time but when they shed, the new ones that grew were longer and thicker. There is no scientific reason how this works but it has been shown to work. The person who is using this product and aims at increasing the length of the eyelashes is encouraged to be patient. This is because the old eyelashes have to be shed to allow the growth of new ones that is longer and thicker.

Most women and young girls have a craving of long and thicker eye lashes. This has led to people trying out all remedies and products that are available in the market. There is no scientific evidence that shows castor oil can help to increase the size of the eyelashes. This is true although most people have claimed that it has helped to increase the length of their eyelashes and increased their thickness. This shows that the only way to know whether these products are working is through trial and error. This is by applying Vaseline on the eyelashes daily before going to sleep and notice the changes that will occur on the eyelashes. It is encouraged to use the petroleum jelly that is not perfumed because this has less artificial products.

Tips will also help to increase the size of the eyelashes.

It is encouraged to brush the eyelashes before the application of mascara.
Massaging the eyelids will help to stimulate the follicles that help with the growth of the hair. This will in turn helps the eyelashes to grow longer and stronger with time.
Research has shown that most people opt to use Vaseline to help in increasing the size of their eyelashes. This has been shown to work in some people while it does not work in others. Petroleum jelly might not help to lengthen the eyelashes in a direct way but it helps with growth of new eye ashes that are longer and thicker. It is important to be patient while using this product because the old eyelashes have to be shed off before new ones can grow.