When it comes to weightloss and being nutritionally healthy and fulfilled, what you put into your body is extremely important. Actually, it’s the most important part of a weightloss program above exercise. Vitamins and minerals are critical in all metabolic process inside your body, cardiovascular health, digestion, bone formation, muscular growth, hormone production, immunity health, and provide many other health benefits and are heavily encouraged to be included in your diet by various departments such as the United States Department of Agriculture via www.choosemyplate.gov, www.mypyramid.gov and www.dietaryguidelines.gov . The biggest problem with today’s obesity epidemic is that people are eating processed foods low and deficient in vitamins and minerals. Because of this deficiency the body keeps requesting more food in order to try to supplement itself with the required amounts of vitamins and minerals it needs. The amount of vitamins and minerals fast foods contain is insignificant, yet consumers believe that they are getting more food for their money but fail to understand that they are paying a lot more for less nutritional value which has led to this obesity epidemic.
Weightloss through proper nutrition
Carlos G. Hurtado
A typical meal from a fast food restaurant can run from $3 to $7 dollars per meal. Depending on what is ordered, the calories of a cheese burger without cheese and bacon and all the other ingredients fast foods restaurant’s are adding today can well exceed 500 calories per burger. Include fries and a soft drink and you can significantly exceed 1000 calories per meal. Because these foods are processed you get what are referred to as empty calories and your body will not be satisfied resulting in the purchase of additional fries and refills of sugary high fructose corn syrup soft drinks increasing the already exaggerated high caloric meal. So in the end what are you consuming when eating fast foods? Large amounts of calories with extremely high concentrations of saturated fats and artificial sugars that are dangerously above the required daily amount of 10 to 15% for fats of a healthy nutritious diet.
So why should you look into Shakeology? Shakeology gives you 25% to 100% of all required vitamins and minerals in one serving and provides you with a healthy 140 to 150 calories per shake. If you prepare the shake with a glass of almond milk and a fruit or fruits such as banana’s, strawberries, or blueberries you increase the amount of vitamins and minerals you consume leaving your body nutritionally satisfied. Shakeology costs $4 per day and if you take half a serving twice a day the resulting costs is $2 per meal. This is considerably less expensive than eating fast food and your health is immediately transformed for the better giving you more energy, better digestion, and healthy weightloss. Shakeology also gives you the benefits of digestive enzymes that promote bowel movements and keeps your body clean and can result in the reduction of cholesterol and may lower the symptoms of diabetes and in some cases eliminated it. Shakeology is also a 24 in the glycemic index making it an excellent choice for diabetics.
What separates Shakeology from any other meal replacement shake? Shakeology uses over 70 ingredients from all over the world that are known to have amazing health effects such as acai berries, goji berries, pineapples, and many more. The creator’s of Shakeology Beachbody, LLC scoured the world looking for the most potent vitamin and mineral rich fruits and vegetables and blending them together to form “The Healthiest Meal of the Day”. The ingredients are unprocessed and the taste is amazingly delicious. It is free from any artificial coloring and sweetners (Sucralose) as well as alcohol sugar found in other products such as Visalus products and basically every other shake in the market. Included in your order are two workout dvd’s because the company that created Shakeology, Beachbody, LLC understands the concept that being healthy and fit requires exercise. You may purchase and learn exactly how Shakeology is made and created at www.shakemylife.com. Shakeology comes with a 30 day bottom of the bag guarantee which means that you may drink the shake in its entirety and Beachbody, LLC will return your money minus shipping and handling no questions asked. Like I always end my articles, do your own due diligence, Google information, research products, and create your own opinion.
Shakeology – finally a healthy shake that tastes like dessert
It’s important to eat more than once a day. It’s important to eat more than twice a day. According to health and fitness experts, in order to maintain proper weight and health, people should eat 6 meals a day.
Bob Harper of NBC’s The Biggest Loser agrees that eating more helps decrease hunger, while providing the body with the nutrients it needs to function. His Eat More Diet consists of consuming 4 – 6 meals a day that are low in carbs and low in fat. Harper suggests that this form of eating deals “with your hunger before it happens.” He says, “Once you start to feel hungry, it’s already too late.”
In order to be successful with this or any meal plan, it is important to document what will be eaten, or what has been eaten. Although counting calories may seem tedious, it may be unavoidable for those who are interested in losing weight. Websites like the United States Department of Agriculture (usda.gov), The Biggest Loser Club (biggestloser.com)and Beachbody (beachbodycoach.com) have links to personalized meal plans based on age, weight, height and gender.
Another way to squeeze in those extra meals is through meal replacement shakes. Taken once or twice a day, these shakes are filled with the important nutrients that the body needs.
With over 70 healthy and delicious ingredients, Shakeology aka the Ultra Shake, supplies all the necessary nutrients needed for the body. According to the fitness experts at Beachbody, Shakeology is a daily nutritional shake that helps the “body gently eliminate toxins more efficiently while allowing for better absorption of the essential nutrients.” Shakeology can only be purchased through the Beachbody website or through Independent Beachbody Coaches.
Massachusetts General Hospital offers outpatient nutritional services through The Department of Nutrition and Food Services to provide nutritional care and advice about good nutrition. They can be reached at 617-726-2779.
For questions regarding Shakeology or to purchase this ultra-nutritious shake, visit Boston’s Mind Ur Body Fitness website at www.mindurbodyfitness.com.