What is Proactiv Dark Spot Corrector?

Dark spots are areas of de-pigmentation caused by too much sunlight, acne, or melasma. These spots have been said to add even up to ten years to your age, thus looking much older than you should be. The Proactive dark spot corrector is a skin pigmentation toner that allows you to get rid of these dark spots and leave you at the least looking your age if not looking much younger. Dark spots are also caused by aging factors such as low collagen and gelatin levels. The Proactive dark spot corrector contains a formulation that will enhance both your looks and your collagen levels.

Ingredients it contains

The active ingredient in this product is hydroquinone, which is chiefly responsible for de-pigmentation. Other ingredients in Proactiv generics in the market and have been used by different manufacturers. Proactiv Dark Spot Corrector contains; Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Vitamin C green tea extracts. Proactive also contains sodium hyaluronate that is the moisturizer and tenderizer of skin, as well as peptides that work to eliminate stubborn wrinkles and fine lines. Anti oxidants are ever present in such compositions to ensure the longevity of the composition as well as heightened anti- aging effects. Proactiv dark spot corrector is fragrance-free, making it the best formulation for even the most sensitive skins.

How does it help to lighten skin?

Proactiv dark spot corrector works by introducing hydroquinone into your skin. This is an agent that will suppress the enzyme tyrosinase. Tyrosinase is an essential building block for melanin, and therefore if your body does not produce enough tyrosinase, then it will be virtually impossible to create melanin, and therefore your skin will appear lighter. The advantage of this method is that it is skin deep- it attacks the problem at its root and therefore the effect is longer lasting. It is however worthy of note that with less melanin, your body can’t quite effectively deal with Ultra Violet rays from the sun. by absorbing these rays, you will make your cells prone to cancer mutilation.

Are its ingredients safe?

Most of these ingredients, as has been mentioned, are generic in the skin care industry they ae likely safe for use. However, proactive posses you with the danger of interaction, as the ingredients are very many. The herbal extracts in this skin brightening products would make it safe for use by even the younger generation, but there are also chemicals that are not fit for children. You are advised not to use this product if you are contemplating pregnancy, expectant or lactating. The real danger in using Proactive dark spot corrector is the hydroquinone in it. This has been shown to cause cancer, permanent skin discoloration and also skin flaking.

Directions for using it?

Manufactures suggest that this product is used only twice a week in a controlled manner. This is to avoid possible side effects that have previously been mentioned.


Advantages of using the Proactiv Dark Spot corrector include;
• The effects are skin deep.
• This product does not contain bleaching agents that deteriorate your skin
• This product is available and requires only 2 applications a week, making it easy and un-cumbersome to use.


Disadvantages of using the Proactiv Dark Spot Corrector include;
• This product contains hydroquinone. In itself, this product is carcinogenic and is used medicinally but very sparingly. To have it in the open public as a skin care ingredient is quite too daring.
• By reducing your melanin levels, you make yourself prone to Ultra Violet Ray infections, which is also a known cause of skin cancer.
• There are many ingredients in this product that can cause interactions, leaving you wth many side effects to nurse.
• In cases where a mutation has occurred, the side effects are carried down to the second generation.

Do consult with your doctors before embarking on Cosmelan treatment for it is necessary to check how safe you are and will be when you use this product. If you are expectant or breastfeeding, or contemplating pregnancy, be sure to avoid this product till your baby is no longer dependent on you. Be cautious not to overuse Proactive dark spot corrector.