Prescopodene Overview

Prescopodene is a weight loss product which seems like it doesn’t live up to its exaggerated claims. The official website includes far-fetched boasts on behalf of the product, among them assertions which, if accurate, would really be very risky to health. For instance, the makers assert that it can lead to a 10lb loss in the initial 3 days, a dubious claim. The site includes many user testimonies, universally favorable, among them some from experts in wellness. A physician from the Obesity Research Clinic endorses the product, referring to lab tests conducted on it, offering a link to the documentation. Besides far-fetched boasts, Prescopodene’s maker offers a complimentary trip to the initial 250 purchasers, but no more details are provided and apparently it’s only a gimmick. Prescopodene does furnish an adequate FAQ segment and their website is attractive and user-friendly.Prescopodene review

Facts About Prescopodene

Prescopodene includes ingredients that may or may not be recognizable to most users. The majority of customers savvy about wellness are familiar with green tea, yerba mate, and derivative of cocoa as fine, organic substances with traits as anti-oxidants and fat burners . The derivative of cocoa also gives a feeling of contentment, an advantage of consuming dark chocolate. Different ingredients in this product are less familiar, like anti-oxidant DMAE, metabolism booster tyrosine, and citrus aurantium. The final ingredient is the one that’s most fascinating and perhaps most significant. Citrus aurantium is alternatively known as bitter orange, which is used in a lot of similar products, sometimes under the patented name “Advantra Z”, and is considered a safe alternative to Ephedra. Even though the web site gives a detailed description of all the ingredients, the amount which the pills contain is unknown, since there is no product label shown.

Prescopodene: Advantages

  • The ingredients are all natural and considered to be safe;
  • Harsh stimulants are not present in this product;
  • The dosage is easy to remember: two pills in the morning and two pills at night;
  • Nothing contained in this product has been shown to cause adverse reactions;
  • A good FAQ section can be found on the site;
  • The company gives a 100% money-back guarantee;
  • The product is shipped in an unmarked wrapper for privacy.


  • The firm issues some far-fetched and actually medically risky boasts;
  • Professional testimonials along with the doctor’s statement are possibly insincere and cannot be verified;
  • Some potential customers are certainly repelled by the tacky image on the product’s promotional website;
  • The amounts of each ingredient per capsule are not supplied;
  • At this time, it appears to be unavailable in retail stores.

Prescopodene: Conclusion

Prescopodene might be a valid investment for weight loss at $59.95 for a month’s supply, within the range of available products that resemble it. No negative critiques of the product can be found on the internet, yet for all its wondrous claims, no positive critiques exist either. Sadly product makers’ promotion consists of tactics like offering complimentary trips and making far-fetched claims, which make the product appear to be just another scam.