All you wanted to do was get rid of your heartburn and the most prescribed medication in the world-proton pump inhibitor- you risk kidney failure and in the long run kidney disease. Names like Prevacid, Prilosec, Nexium, Protonix, Aciphex and the others. You know what this is all leading to don’t you cancer. There are more complications you don’t even know about yet, colorectal cancer. The Journal of the American Society of Nephrology will tell you kidney disease will take you over when you take the PPI’s their kidney failure increased 28-percent.

Vitamin C kills colorectal cancer. It’s true high doses of vitamin C equivalent to 300 oranges. What does that mean? It means that vitamin C is high in antioxidants that are taking oxygen right to the cancer. Cancer thrives in oxygen poor environments so some regular exercise on top of the ‘C’ will do the trick.

Repeated doses of special liposomal form of vitamin C is absorbed in the gut and then it heads for the liver before it gets released into the bloodstream. The other key to taking vitamin C is to not eat refined carbohydrates which impairs absorption. Hickey and Roberts in the Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine found through research the cancer cell-killing effect of vitamin C is realized by the transient production of hydrogen peroxide within the connective tissues, not in blood, which destroys tumor cells.

Most studies linked the medications with long term cognitive damage of taking antacids. The studies are providing the basis for detecting a biomarker routine, non-invasive blood tests and early intervention are valuable when we are talking Alzheimer’s. Antacids are full of aluminum and that too is hard on the liver. Changing the diet and eating more mindfully and chewing more slowly, not gulping your food down does a colon good. There is more to keeping the colon in good health than taking probiotics. An hour walk a day will keep it healthy and the muscles working good and eating fiber, vegetables, apple peels, potato peel, bread that is brown and contains oats, nuts or bran and eating fruit. Even the fruit of an orange has fiber and the vitamin C will add to the protecting/antioxidant factor.

N.W. Walker and his book Becoming Younger is a handbook for colon health that human beings don’t come supplied with. The book comes in large print and I have used it religiously over the years. It is not thick with too many words or trains of thought to follow but is something every home should have. I even used the book for my three kids to read from for health class when I homeschooled them. The title says it all because e when your colon is out of shape your feel miserable and have no energy and heartburn, gas, headaches, nausea, bloating and constipation or diarrhea live with you. You are on clog and probably have a mound of stuck stuff in your colon. I even used the book when I was pregnant and you have all of those stomach issues going on. My copy came from the health food store when I worked there but I have noticed it in libraries and of course Amazon has it. I also found a link online where you can download the book for free.

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When your colon is on clog and your skin is depleted making it look more wrinkled, pale, plus you are not getting the vitamins and minerals from your food so you are eating more than you should. It is not rocket science to take care of you but it is not something we are generally taught depending on our parents and caretakers. Taking colonics is up to you. I followed everything else he said and I never had to do a colonic. Chew food slowly before you swallow. Keeping the food in the mouth longer and not swallowing after just a bite or two plays an important part in your digestive health. While you are chewing your stomach is getting the necessary fluids together that you will need to breakdown your food properly.

Not washing your food down with liquids. When you eat and take drinks right after each bite you are also diluting your digestive juices. When you don’t eat right your food putrefies in your stomach and that fermenting food lets of gasses and you belch and you get bloated. If you are eating continuously your stomach is working continuously to digest and breakdown everything that you eat. Not eating before bedtime will also make a difference in stopping your heartburn.

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The body is designed to eat three to four times a day and then be done because it takes six to eight hours for the stomach to breakdown, assimilate and digest the food you have eaten all day long. That way it is empty and ready for the next day. When you eat all day long and night time too, snacking, before bed and in the middle of the night your stomach never gets those 6-8 hours that it needs to assimilate the food intake. It turns into one big sludge in your stomach, putrefying, and fermenting for days, weeks, who knows when you gave it a break last. That is why you get stools that are pus-like slimy or hard or the extreme constipation and diarrhea.

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Look at the pictures in the book and Walker shoes you what your colon looks like when you don’t eat right and why some people need to have surgery to have it unclogged or removed. It is painful and it doesn’t have to be like that. Drink plenty of water, eat right, sleep regular and exercise most days. An hour walk doesn’t need to be racing speed either. If you don’t like walking pick your favorite sport or hobby if you like dancing or swimming. It will put the rosy back in your cheeks.