The definition of Menopause is the “permanent end of menstruation.” Menopause and Peri-menopause can have a huge impact on a woman’s health and wellbeing. The main and most recognizable symptoms of menopause are hot flashes, and night sweats.

The leading cause of menopause is age. Once a woman enters menopause, she is past her childbearing years as a result of the gradual slowing down of the functioning of the ovaries. Some surgeries as well as medical treatments can induce menopause in some women. Those surgeries would be the removal of the ovaries, known as bilateral oopharectomy, chemotherapy and pelvic radiation therapy.

According to the National Institute on Aging, the average age for the onset of menopause in women is 52. Some women however can start menopause as young as 40 and others as old as 60. However, it is a minimal percentage of women who don’t begin menopause until 60.

Menopause is confirmed by most doctors once a woman has missed her period for 12 consecutive months without any obvious causes. The lead up years to menopause is known as peri-menopause. During this phase, the ovaries are slowing down but it is still possible for a woman to get pregnant.

Menopause affects each woman differently. Some go through menopause with little to no problems while others can suffer from severe symptoms. As menopause begins, women’s periods can get shorter or longer, heavier or lighter, with more or less time between them.

One common symptom of menopause is hot flashes. Hot flashes are the brief feeling of heat that may cause the face and neck to flush, cause temporary red blotches to appear on the chest, back and arms. Sweating and chills can occur during a hot flash. These hot flashes can last anywhere from 30 seconds to 10 minutes.

It is possible for some women to lessen the intensity of hot flashes by dressing in light layers, using fans, getting regular exercise, avoiding spicy foods and heat. Managing stress can also make coping with hot flashes easier.

Hot flashes that occur at night can cause night sweats and make sleeping more difficult. A few tips for combating hot flashes are:

1. Use a fan in the bedroom

2. Avoid heavy bedding

3. Choose light cottons or sheer materials for nightclothes

4. Keep damp cloth near the bed to cool quickly

5. Pets can give off body heat so keep pets out of bedroom

Menopause can also cause sex problems. When the body produces less estrogen during menopause it can lead to vaginal dryness which can make intercourse uncomfortable or painful. A woman’s libido can also change during menopause. They may desire sex more or less often.

Maintaining a healthy dialogue with their health care provider is important when women begin experiencing signs and symptoms of menopause.

©Kelly Cozzone, All Rights Reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced without prior permissions from the author. The first two sentences may be reposted with a link back to the original article.