Those irritable menopausal symptoms not only lower breast cancer but also heart disease, stroke and death
It now appears that women who start menopause with those irritating symptoms such as night sweats actually aide in lowering the risk for heart disease, stroke and even death. At the end of last month those symptoms were found to aide in lowering risk for breast cancer.
This new study has been done by researchers at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, Illinois.
Dr. Emily Szmuilowicz, endocrinologist from the hospital and lead researcher for this study stated that their research had discovered regardless of past reports conveying that menopause symptoms were linked with higher levels of risk markers for heart disease, like blood pressure and cholesterol, the definite results reveal a different truth.
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Dr. Szmuilowicz, states that even though menopausal symptoms are not enjoyable their findings will help to make them more tolerable.
Dr. Szmuilowicz, and co-chairs Dr.’s JoAnn Manson and Ellen Seely from Harvard Medical School, along with the rest of the research team had used data from the Women’s Health Initiative Observational Study which covers 60,027 post menopausal women who were followed for ten years.
Researchers were interested in the associations between the timing of menopause symptoms and the risks for cardiovascular events and death from all causes, participants had been placed into four categories:
18,799 women no symptoms at start of menopause or at time of enrollment in study
24,753 women symptoms at start of menopause but not at study enrollment
15,084 women symptoms at start of menopause and study enrollment
1,391 women symptoms started after menopause and present at time of study
Researchers had adjusted the figures to allow for other factors which influence risk. Researchers had found that women with menopausal symptoms at the start of menopause had lower risk for heart disease, stroke and cardiovascular disease and death from all causes.
It was noted that women whose symptoms had started late in menopause did show a higher risk for heart disease, stroke, total cardiovascular disease and death from all causes in comparison to women who did not have any symptoms.
Researchers did note that due to the difference in findings, dependent upon whether symptoms of menopause started late or early could be due to different pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the association with cardiovascular disease.
To aide with those irritable menopausal symptoms there are a few alternatives which are natural that can help alleviate them.
One most frequent symptom of menopause is extreme back pain and overall discomfort. Chiropractic is totally safe and effective hands on treatments can alleviate a variety of menopausal symptoms among them are back pain, headaches, migraines, neck pain, stress, anxiety, improve sleep patterns and enhance immune system.
Bach Flower Remedies
There are different Bach Flower remedies available one of the most common one is Argimony Blend which can give calmness of fear and anxiety which are two symptoms of menopause.
Massage Therapy
Massage therapists offer numerous benefits to their clients who are suffering from menopausal symptoms they include:
Massage with special attention to abdomen and lower back to decrease pain and discomfort.
Massage also will alleviate stress.
Aroma massage with Clary Sage which aides in decreasing night sweats, hot flashes and irritability along with headaches.