Love her or hate her, Kim Kardashian has found a way to creep into the lives of the public. Whether it be through flamboyant apparel choices or changing husbands like she changes underwear, when Kim K does it, she does it big!

Or in this case “small”…

As of late Kim Kardashian has become the incredible shrinking woman. She got pregnant and gave birth a year ago, and like most every other red blooded human woman she gained weight. She gained what appeared to be a lot of weight. At 4 months she looked to be the size of 6 or 7 months along in pregnancy. She endured vicious ridicule and fierce attacks as paparazzi snapped shots of her and Kanye West indulging in dessert and rich cuisine.

Just when it seemed that the brunette bombshell had lost her luster, she had beautiful baby North West and seemed to quickly resemble her old self again. Rumors swirled about how she was going to lose weight and how many plastic surgeons she would employ to reach her weight loss goals.

She hid out in her mother’s home as if quarantined with a contagious disease but when she emerged she shut the nay sayers down who said she could not and would not regain her former glory. She looked tight and curvy and although it was clear she still wanted to do more, she was definitely well on her way.

Now of course with any celebrity, especially one like Kardashian, where it’s clear, some cosmetic surgery intervention has aided in her expressionless face and her ample cleavage and possibly even the perkiness of her famous derriere, one can not help but speculate if her speedy return to pre-pregnancy weight and below was helped by liposuction or lasers, or all of the above. No one knows for sure, but Kim herself has reported using a tried and true method to lose weight in the past. She has also sited it as her go to diet after pregnancy and in preparation for her wedding to Kanye West.

The Atkins diet, loved and hated (about as much as Kim her self) is the diet of choice for this buxom babe. And why not, it has one of the simplest premises a diet can have. And despite opposition, it really does work.

Since the death of Dr. Atkins, the Atkins brand has tried to rehabilitate its image and repackage its self as a “healthy” diet plan. The company has added low carb candy and shakes to its offering and as of late they have begun selling Atkins frozen dinners. Now situated along side Smart ones and the old faithful Lean Cuisine in the freezer section of your friendly neighborhood grocer, you now have an easy low carb option that can take some of the guess work and time prep out of doing a low carb diet.

The way the Atkins diet was first delivered years ago was an effective yet not so healthy approach to losing weight by cutting out ALL sugars, grains, sweets, etc, and even limiting vegetables that had carbs. These days with phases and levels and alternatives and options, Atkins could be incorporated in to a healthy weight loss diet plan that might help you get the results you are seeking. Kim Kardashian certainly has seemed to capture all the benefits of what low carb dieting has to offer.

As with any diet and exercise plan, talk to your doctor before beginning.