There are many actions that will boost your sex play that are not normally done. They might be not the most bizarre sex tips ever, but these are the 6 tricks you should not forget to do during sex.

  1. Bite Him/Her

It might sound cruel, but actually biting is quite sexy and one of the most thrilling of all the 6 tricks when done correctly.  You are going to do it more subtle and not chew or take out chunks of flesh. Your teeth should never fasten together in the middle, and pinching the skin with your teeth is not what you are after. Don’t be carried away with it a few timely bites show your passion.Great Sex in Bed with your Partner

  1. Suck His/Her Feet

You may find this a little gross and most people don’t want their feet to be touched or don’t want to touch others’ feet but having your foot sucked and licked on is one of the most sensual of the tricks. The most sensitive areas of the foot is in between the toes and the curve of the foot. In order for this trick to totally succeed, you have to have clean and trimmed feet. Also, it is best done when you suck it slowly.

  1. Spank Him/Her

Biting and spanking come in line with each other. The only difference is that spanking is more pronounced and does actually hurt; however, it proven scientifically that the spanking of the buttocks while aroused ruse the body into translating the spank as pleasure and gives a rush of blood to the area. Keep your hand loose and give the area of the butt away from the anus a good smack. You are going for that good slap sound and a good palm-butt interaction. But don’t overdo it.

  1. Give Kisses that are barely there

Another trick that you should forget to do in bed is to create a slow burn with superlight kisses. Start from the top to the bottom from the eyelashes to the corner of the mouth, the jaw and the collarbone. Next, kiss the chest, the nipples, the tummy and down along the treasure trail. People say that you’re making up anticipation as you take it slow and make that seductive crawl.

  1. Blow Hot Air

Regardless of the position you are in, you can totally boost the experience by gently breathing out on each other’s skin. You can already feel the pleasure in your genitals but this action gives soft steamy heat to other sensitive areas such as your neck, your nipples or the inside of your wrist, giving you shivers from head to toe.

  1. Grab Hold

A little role-playing could enhance your already amazing sex. Tell him he’s your prisoner and he won’t take it seriously but show him that you mean business by pinning him to the bed. You can take an approach which is playful and fun to the whole domination thing by pinning him down while on your top.

These are the tricks you should not forget to do in bed.  You can try other stuff to spice up the night but remember, the next time you get bored with the missionary position, there are other more ideas that can make your sex life feeling fresh.

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