Pesky blemishes spoil your looks. It is shown that most of the teenagers suffer from skin blemishes and acne on face at some points of time during their own lives. A lot of matures too have such skin problems. Blemishes are discolored spots, whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples, left behind on the human skin after an acne breakout. Oftentimes, they develop mostly on areas of the face, particularly around the nose, forehead, and chin. Sometimes, they appear on the neck, back and upper arms.
There are a number of factors contributing to the formation of blemishes, including the regular use of cosmetic products like moisturizers and foundations night creams. These products mostly consist of irritating ingredients which might clog the pores and trigger the growth of blemishes. Other factors, like improper diet, hormonal changes, internal health problems, stress, alcohol consumption, allergic reactions, overexposure to environment irritants, improper skincare routine, and a genetic predisposition could all result in blemishes.
If you are looking for the most natural but effective tips on how to get rid of blemishes, then you should read on the following article because here you will discover a series of practical advice for blemish removal.
1. Manuka Honey
This is the first tip on how to get rid of blemishes. Manuka honey works as a natural antibacterial cleanser for the human skin, so using it properly will help remove blemishes.
You just simply apply a proper amount of pure Manuka honey on your problem areas. Then, you wait a few minutes until the honey dries. After that, wash it off with clean water.
2. Ice Compressing
When it comes to natural tips on how to get rid of blemishes, this is one of the simplest ones. You can take a piece of ice cube and cover it up using a clean washcloth. After that, place that wrapped ice cube over your problem areas for about 5 minutes. This method will help cool your blemishes and decrease inflammation. You should use this tip as soon as you see a blemish appearing in order to avoid swelling and redness.
3. Lemon Juice
With its excellent skin-lightening property, lemon juice can help reduce dark spots as well as hyper-pigmentation. Lemon juice contains high citric acid, helping exfoliate the skin, eliminate excess oil and kill acne-triggering bacteria. Moreover, it can help minimize the appearance of large pores and also smooth the skin.
In order to take advantage of lemon juice for removing blemishes, you just simply apply fresh lemon juice over your skin. Then, leave it on for 15 minutes or so before washing it off with warm water. It is recommended to do this method every day for about one month to get good results.
4. Tomato Juice
Tomato juice is high in vitamin C as well as antioxidants, so it is excellent for creating blemish-free and glowing skin. Furthermore, it can help shrink large pores and eliminate acne thanks to its astringent properties. On the other hand, tomatoes are also good for decreasing suntan because of their high lycopene content.
To make use of tomato juice for blemish removal, you should massage your skin with the tomato pulp. Then, leave it there for 15 minutes before rinsing it off with cool water.
To get the best possible results, you are recommended to follow this simple skin care routine every day for a few weeks.
5. Apple Cider Vinegar
Because apple cider vinegar is high in alpha hydroxyl acids, it can be useful in lightening blemishes and dark spots. Additionally, it can also help balance the pH levels of the human skin, decrease excess oils, and open clogged pores. Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, apple cider vinegar also helps fight acne breakouts effectively.
What you need to do is to mix one part of organic apple cider vinegar with three parts of plain water. Then, you dip a cotton ball into this mixture and dab it over your problem area. After about 15 minutes, you wash it off with water. For better results, you should use this method twice or three times per day.
6. Potato
Containing starch that can help decrease pigmentation, potato is a great ingredient for removing blemishes naturally. In addition, it diminishes the dark circles under eyes fast.
Take a small potato, peel and grate it. Extract the fresh juice using cheesecloth or a fine sieve. You then soak a cotton ball into this juice and simply apply it over your skin. Wait for 15 minutes before washing it off with plain water. Try following this routine every day for about a month to get good results as soon as possible.
7. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is a common ingredient used in many commercial cosmetics and skin care products. It contains polysaccharides that can stimulate the development of new skin cells while also helping heal scars as well as blemishes.
Plus, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, Aloe Vera is very beneficial in natural acne treatment.
Take a fresh aloe Vera leaf, and extract the gel from it. Then, apply it over your problematic skin area. Wait for 15 minutes and rinse it off with cool water. You had better repeat this routine every day for one month or so to remove Aloe Vera effectively.
Another way to use Aloe Vera to get rid of blemishes, you create a combination of two tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel, one teaspoon of sugar, and one teaspoon of lemon juice. After that, you rub this mixture over your problematic skin area, and wait for 15 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. This method should be done twice or thrice per week to achieve the best possible results.
In general, to have blemish-free skin, you should follow 7 natural tips above. If your skin blemishes still persist after using these home remedies, you should consult a dermatologist in order to know how to get rid of blemishes permanently.