Lips are the focal point of any woman’s face. Plump and pink lips are not only a sign of beauty but also of youth and exuberance. Why do you think women are so obsessed with lipstick and lip-gloss? This is not all for naught. Lips should be highlighted. Not only does it emphasize your beautiful smile but it also can look sexy and seductive. Hence it is important to maintain the health of your lips.

Absolutely! Your lips put your whole look together. Even on your off days. On days where you just don’t feel like picking up that makeup brush and putting on some blush and foundation, just having a nice lip color can make all of the difference. It can make you look fresh and sexy in just one swipe, to add to that, fuller lips are just universally sexy. Fuller lips just add a come hither look to your whole face.

Remedies to Get the Super Soft Red Rosy Lips:

1. Milk & Honey can help you to get soft lips
Milk and honey, even individually, are great remedies to dark and chapped lips. But add them together and you’ve got yourself a killer mixture to get soft lips and to reduce any sort of darkness on your lips. You can do this by mixing the milk and honey and applying the mixture to your lips at night before going to sleep. You can do this several times a week, in a couple of weeks you’ll notice your lips slowly start to become softer and lighter in color.

2. Lemon & orange massage can help you get pink lips
If you are having a bit of trouble with dark lips then maybe approaching a member of the citrus family will be more down your alley. As we all know citrus fruits are notorious for their bleaching and detoxifying properties, this is all mainly attributed to the Vitamin C in them. You can use an orange or lemon or a mix of their juices for this. Apply and massage the juice to your lips every night before going to bed. This can also lessen the risk of skin damage and even aging. But aside from that, doesn’t it just smell amazing?

3. Lip balm or petroleum jelly can help you to get smooth lips
Isn’t petroleum jelly amazing? You can literally use it for every part of your body. In order to get soft lips using this wonder product, it is best to apply petroleum jelly to your lips every night and then, with the use of a children’s toothbrush, brush your lips using such toothbrush. This removes any sort of dead skin on them. In the morning, remember to always use a lip balm, preferably with SPF in it, to become a sort of shield or barrier for your lips.

4. Stop smoking & get red lips
How beautiful your lips are can be telling of what you put in them. Which means that smokers don’t really have the best lips. They tend to have chapped and dark lips. This is a result of the tobacco, tar and even the heat that comes from the cigarettes. The tobacco and the tar not only stain your lips but it also gets to your teeth and gums too. The heat on the other hand is more scientific. You see the melanin in your system (which protects your body from the harsh sun) is triggered by the heat from the cigarette which causes the icky dark color. The best remedy is to stop smoking altogether and apply the remedies discussed in this article.

5. Rose Petals can make your lips pink
Rose petals have been said to help bring back the natural pink color of your lips. When roses are mixed with milk, honey and glycerin, making a paste, it can give results in a matter of days. You only need to apply the paste unto your lips for fifteen minutes daily in order to see results.

Whoever said you needed to spend loads of money to get soft, smooth and pink lips has been greatly mistaken. Use any of the remedies discussed in this article and you’ll get the healthy lips you want in just a span of weeks.