What Causes Puffy Eyes?
Swollen or puffy eyes is caused by a number of factors. In most cases, this condition is caused by stress, allergies, fluid retention, hormone changes, and other factors. Swollen eyes resulting from crying could be as a result of the tiny glands in the eyelid which produce tears get inflamed by overactivity. Another incidence responsible for puffy eyes is when we sleep. Puffy eyes due to sleeping could be as a result of too much sodium in the diet, which makes water to be retained in the eyes. Alternatively, puffy eyes are as a result of lack of sleep or too much consumption of alcohol. Other additional causes of puffy eyes are as follows:
Skin disorders such as dermatitis
Type of Diet
Eye infections
Normal aging process
Nephritic syndrome- this might result into puffy eyes as the first sign
Dysfunction of tear glands
Contact lenses
When to See Your Doctor
It is important to be careful when dealing with any abnormal condition on your body. Puffy eyes can result into other serious conditions that you would have to immediately contact your doctor if you are to avoid dangers to your life. Swelling on the eyes could be one of the serious signs of puffy eyes. If your swelling on the eyes persists, this is the right time to see your doctor without hesitation. The best practice should be that any time there is blow to your eye, seeing the doctor is the right thing to do even if there is no swelling. Also, seek immediate medical attention if swelling on the eyes is accompanied by the following symptoms:
Difficulty breathing
Swelling in face and neck areas
Redness around the eye
Some of the symptoms mentioned above are signs of orbital cellulitis. Though this condition is as common as cellulitis, its effects can be very devastating. If this condition is left untreated, it may lead to some serious health complications such as meningitis or blood infection. If it becomes hard to take yourself to the doctor, it would be advisable to request some to accompany you to the doctor. In fact you are advised not to take a risk of driving yourself to a doctor if this condition becomes very serious. When you are experiencing problems with your eyes, this is not the best time to drive yourself as this might cause accidents.
Why Cucumbers and Not Eggplant?
There are many reasons why you ought to use cucumber not eggplant. A cucumber is mainly made of water, but it is also made of small quantities of vitamin C, and caffeic acid-both of which are good in soothing irritated skin and can reduce swelling. Ion the other hand, eggplant doesn’t contain this important element-caffeic acid.
Alternatively, you can use strawberries, or Chilled eggplant slices or any other nonacidic, vegetable, mild or low-acid fruit. These can also work due to the fact that they are cold. However, the cucumber is the perfect fit for almost everyone due to its clean, mild and its perfect size making it to fit into most of eyes. In addition, cucumbers do not turn brown when exposed to the air just like the eggplant does.
How Do I Use Cucumbers To Treat Puffy Eyes?
Wash your cucumber thoroughly and then dry it. Chill it in the refrigerator for like hour. After this, cut your cucumber in a crosswise manner- into small slices but thick enough from tearing, and yet still flexible. Alternatively, you can slice and chill it in a bowl of water and then drying it.
Place a piece of a cucumber on each closed eye, then lie back on a raised pillow and relax. After about 20 minutes, you would be able to see a big change.
Though not necessary, you can replace the slices as they warm
Side Effects of Using Cucumbers to Treat Puffy Eyes
No side effects associated with this procedure so long as no small piece of cucumber in your eye.
Cucumbers have been proved to contain antioxidants which are believed to have the ability to reduce irritation. Above all, the cooling effect of cucumber is good in reducing swelling of eyes.