Even people that take good care of themselves can get sick from time to time. The lips are a very delicate area but they need to be especially well protected and cared for. When a person notices small red bumps on their lips this is a problem that they want to address quickly. These bumps can be a sign of a more serious health condition and need to be treated right away.

Common Causes of Bumps on the Lips
There are several different factors that can cause the small red bumps on the lips. Some of these things can be cared for at home and others may require the help of a doctor to treat them.

1. Cold Sores
Cold sores are an oral form of the herpes virus. They can be found on the lips or even in the mouth. These blisters can break easily leaving the lips rough and dry. The blisters can be rather painful at times. These sores are common with adults and can last for up to two weeks. Many people are able to treat cold sores with over the counter medication. If the condition does not improve they may need to go to the doctor. Having proper oral hygiene and eating a well-balanced diet can reduce the chance of contracting the cold sores virus. Using a product such as one of the best lip plumpers may be able to help conceal this condition as a person is healing.

2. Cancer
If a person has lip cancer they many notice small red bumps on their lips. The bumps may also be white in color. The lips often swell as well. It is essential to go to the doctor and be treated before it spread to the gum and the rest of the mouth.

3. Fordyce’s Spots
While this condition is not contagious the small red bumps on the lips are not attractive. These bumps are tiny, are solid, and often grow in clusters on the lips. They can be of a sebaceous gland variant form. A person see seek the care of a medical professional to get rid of this condition.

4. Acne
Red bumps can be a sign that a person is having some issues with acne. People have hormonal imbalance prone to breakouts.

5. Allergies
Certain products that people use may cause red bumps to break out on their lips. This can be a sign of an allergic reaction. Some people are sensitive to some ingredients used in lip glosses, balms, and creams. Some things that are common irritants to the lips include mucosa which is used to make lip gloss shiny. Titanium is another common allergen. If a person is not directly using some of these products they should see if their partner is. An allergic reaction can occur just by kissing someone that has used these products. There may also be some environmental factors that are causing these red bumps. Allergies to pets, mold, and pollens can cause the red bumps. Common allergens can be treated with over the counter medication. Also if a person is noticing they are having a reaction to a certain product they should stop using it immediately.

6. Bacteria
Every time a person touches their lips they are exposing them to bacteria that are found on their hands. If this bacteria gets under the skin can cause irritation and small red bumps. The lips may also be itchy as a sign of a bacterial infection. To prevent itchy lips do not share lip care products and get rid of chapstick or lip stick that is expired or old. These are common causes of a bacterial infection. This problem can also be commonly treated with over the counter medication.

Small red bumps on the lips can be caused by a number of different things. Some are easy to get rid of and some may require professional help. Red bumps on the lips happen to most adults at one time or another. They are often nothing to be afraid of. If a person is not able to treat these bumps or notices them getting worse they should seek the care of a medical professional to make sure they are not signs of a more serious problem.