Whether you’ve recently gone through a pregnancy or are simply suffering from an excess of fat around the abdomen, there are several methods that can be used to tighten your abdominal wall and have you looking fit and healthy once again. The primary treatment used for the tightening of the abdominal wall is a tummy tuck surgery, which helps to remove any excess skin or fat surrounding your abdominal wall. If you are currently considering this type of treatment, there are a large number of benefits that will be provided to you when having your abdominal wall tightened.
Primary Benefits of Abdominal Wall Tightening
There are a vast array of benefits that you will receive when making use of an abdominal wall tightening procedure, the primary of which is the fact that the area around your stomach will appear much more natural since any extra fat and skin is removed from the area. While the main goal of this procedure is to remove skin and fat from the abdominal wall, it can also help with the restoration of weakened muscles, providing you with an abdomen that is firm and smooth. If you start to employ good exercise techniques and methods following the procedure, this should also assist with making your abdomen appear to be fit and strong.
No matter what the cause of having a loose and saggy abdomen was, an abdominal wall tightening procedure will allow you to develop a beach body that you can be confident about. A tummy tuck is also a surgical procedure that delivers long-lasting results, which means that you won’t need to consider additional treatments in the years following the procedure. If you’re worried about the scar made from the primary incision with a tummy tuck, this scar can be practically invisible to others due to the fact that it’s situated around the hipbone as opposed to in the middle of the abdomen. The scar will also fade over time. By having this loose skin excised completely, this procedure should also remove any stretch marks that you’ve been suffering from due to a recent pregnancy.
Procedure Used to Tighten Abdominal Wall
There are a variety of reasons that you may want to seek a procedure that can help with the tightening of your abdominal wall, the primary of which include a pregnancy, aging, a prior surgery, substantial changes in weight, and hereditary issues. A tummy tuck procedure is the main course of action used to tighten the abdominal wall. This procedure, like most other types of plastic surgery, begins by having anesthesia administered to you. This anesthesia will put you to sleep throughout the duration of the surgery in order to keep you from feeling any of the pain associated with the treatment.
If you are receiving a full tummy tuck, the incision will be a horizontal one that stretches along your lower abdomen between your belly button and pubic hairline. The length of the incision largely depends on how much excess fat or skin will need to be removed. In the event that there is a large amount of skin or tissue that needs to be removed from the upper portion of the abdomen, it’s possible that another incision will be made around the navel. All of the extra skin will be trimmed with the rest of your skin than being sutured together in order to create a flatter abdominal wall. The skin can also be closed with clips, tape, or skin adhesives along with the standard sutures.
When You Should Consider a Tummy Tuck Procedure
If you have a large amount of excess tissue and skin that needs to be removed from your abdominal wall, there’s a good chance that you are a great candidate for this procedure. This surgery won’t cause you to lose weight entirely. However, it can be used towards helping you along with this process. Any weakened muscles in this area can be strengthened with a tummy tuck, providing you with the means of creating a strong abdomen.
As with all types of plastic surgery, it’s important that you are certain that you want a tummy tuck surgery due to the fact that it will substantially alter the appearance of this region of your body. In order to make sure that you get the results that you want, you should be relatively healthy and should stop smoking well before having this procedure done. If you don’t like how your abdomen currently looks, there’s no reason as to why you shouldn’t consider a tummy tuck. There are hardly any risks associated with the surgery as well.
What Goes Into Recovering From a Tummy Tuck?
Once the tummy tuck procedure has been performed by your surgeon of choice, you will be tasked with going through the recovery process. This process can be a lengthy one but can also be shortened by paying attention to any guidelines that you receive from the surgeon on how to aid the recovery process. Bandages and dressings will likely be applied to the incisions after the procedure, which should be changed regularly to make sure that the treatment area remains clean and free from infection.
During your follow up treatments, it’s normal for the surgeon to place thin and small tubes into your skin around the abdomen in order to properly drain any fluid or extra blood that has accumulated in the treatment area. Although the recovery process is one that usually comes without complications, you should expect the swelling to dissipate over the course of two weeks or so. The scarring can take anywhere from a few months to upwards of a year to dissipate entirely.
Dr. Joseph W. Rucker has been board certified through the American Board of Plastic Surgery. He has also obtained a variety of fellowships over the years, which speaks to his dedication and renown within the field of plastic surgery. He has performed more than 10,000 cosmetic and reconstructive surgical treatments.