Gynexin Overview
Gynexin is the enlargement of breast tissues in a male, more commonly known as male boobs. Approximately one out of every three men is diagnosed with this problem in their lifetime. It usually arises as an abnormal condition associated with disease or metabolic disorder, or may be as a result of the natural decrease of testosterone in older males.
This condition is not physically harmful but it presents social and psychological difficulties such as low self esteem or shame for the sufferer. Weight loss can alter the condition if it is triggered by obesity, but it will only reduce the glandular component because patients cannot target areas for weight loss and it only can result in sagging tissues in the breast. That is right. Man boobs. It is not a term used often, and it is difficult to picture the average man in this way. However, this embarrassing issue is becoming more common, and Gynexin claims to be able to help in this regard. Although it is advertised to be a weight loss supplement, its unique claim is in getting rid of man boobs, in which the market for remedies is relatively small.
Gynexin In Depth Overview
Gynexin is a pill, and a new one at that. It is used to reduce the size of man breasts. Genetics can account for some of these cases of man breasts, which is a side effect of one’s own genetic code. These breasts form naturally, and Gynexin was made to combat this. The makers of Gynexin boldly state that it is effective on 99% of men affected by man breasts to the size that only women would have. They legally bind themselves to their customers by offering a full money back guarantee if it does not work. Additionally, the makers claim the fat just melts away with one pill taken daily. One pill a day for a while, and no more man boobs.
Gynexin Overall Benefits
One of the main benefits of using this product is as an alternative to having surgery. Surgery can be a traumatic procedure. You will lose time at work and the healing process takes time as well. Patients feel a lot of discomfort, and for many patients it can be very painful. There is no pain while using and the cost is much lower. A surgery will cost thousands of dollars and will not always be covered by insurance. It will only cost a few hundred dollars. Surgery is permanent and can leave scars while Gynexin will leave no scars at all. Gynexin will cause no loss of work time and will bring about a gradual change that most people will not notice at first, and when they finally do, they will think that you have simply been working out.
Gynexin Potent Ingredients
The actual formula for the supplement is proprietary, but the main ingredients are known. All of them are natural and most of them are extracted from plants. Guggulsterones is used to stimulate the thyroid gland to help increase metabolism. Theobromide Cacao is used to increase the metabolism in the same way caffeine does. In fact, caffeine is also an ingredient in it. Sclareolides is included to boost a man’s testosterone naturally. Green tea extract can also be found in this supplement. It also helps to keep your metabolism high.
Gynexin Alpha Formula Vs Surgery
Compared to other breast reduction procedures, which include but are not limited to surgery, laser treatment and medications, Gynexin pills are much lower in cost. In addition, the results are largely permanent and male boobs usually do not grow back after the desired results have been achieved. A usual laser treatment costs $3000 to $5000 for the whole treatment; surgical option costs even higher. Medications and other treatments are prone to side effects, plus all of these options offer quick fixes to the problem. Moreover, insurance companies do not cover these costs because they are all considered cosmetic procedures.
Gynexin Male Breast Reduction Pill on the other hand takes the treatment slow and steady. It fine-tunes the hormonal system and the glands that cause breast growth. Once it has been achieved, it continues its work by targeting fat cells in the breasts reducing its number one by one. The results thus produced are although not immediate but are definitely long lasting.
Where To Buy Gynexin?
Most of the Gynexin reviews out there would ask you to buy Gynexin in bulk to get a referral fee but that is not in your best interest. How many bottles you buy depends how fast and the level of breast reduction you are looking for. Most of the users that I know of started with one bottle and checked the baseline response rate. A baseline response rate is the response rate Gynexin will have on your body. By the end of the first month, you will be able to assess the rate of breast reduction it is returning. This varies from person to person. Some would only be looking for a low volume of breast reduction depending on their current breast size and they will be comfortable with that. Others will be looking for a significant reduction.
A lot of men buy Gynexin to keep breast reduction at a bearable level and would stop there. Some would have a definite goal in mind like forming a relationship and they would continue to a point where they are confident. If I were to recommend, buy one bottle at first and understand the baseline response rate. I get a few hate mails from webmasters of sites with Gynexin reviews for recommending to start with 1 but as I mentioned in the beginning, my goal with this Gynexin review is to give you as much as information possible.