A man’s age plays a large role in his level of sexual desire and his ability to perform sexually. Physical and psychological problems can affect the male sex drive; hormones are the most important influence. While testosterone controls both men and women’s libidos, it is much more prevalent in men. It controls his ability to achieve an arousal and to experience sexual desire. As men age though, their bodies naturally begin to produce less of the male sex hormone, once this occurs it can be more difficult for him to feel sexual desire.

See Also: 7 Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone

While testosterone levels can vary in men depending on age, health, and even living environment, it is still the hormone that is responsible for libido and sexual arousal. Understanding when testosterone levels begin to change according to a man’s age can help him to enjoy an active and satisfying sex life no matter how old he may be.

Men of 25

This is the age when a man’s testosterone level is usually at its highest. Libido is at a peak, and young couples often enjoy exciting and satisfying love lives. It is also easier for men and women to find time for sex, with careers just beginning and often there are no children present. With daily stress levels at a low and energy high, this is also the best time for men to experiment with what stimulates them sexually. One of the best ways for men and their partners to learn about themselves and each other is through foreplay. Not only will it help women to become aroused faster, it can also be fun and exciting for both partners. Learning now what feels enjoyable sexually, can also help to keep you active when testosterone levels begin to decline.

Read More: Foreplay | A Lethal Weapon For Pleasurable Experience

Men of 35

This is generally the age when men are considered to be at their best sexually. While their testosterone levels have begun to even out, and they are not experiencing the quick flashes of desire that they had in their 20’s, men are usually more experienced and have more endurance in the bedroom. Their confidence levels are at a high, and they are usually more open to experimenting sexually. Couples also tend to experience greater feelings of intimacy, which can lead to more intense and satisfying orgasms. Even occasional problems with performance are less likely to cause any undue concern or problems.

Men of 45

Even though a man’s testosterone level usually begins to slowly decrease in his mid-thirties, men in their 40’s can still experience a satisfying sex life. The only problem is that sex often becomes less frequent, with stress, fatigue, busy schedules, and children constantly interfering. Another problem that is estimated to affect five percent of sexually active men in their 40’s is a sexual dysfunction. These can usually be treated without any adverse side effects, while sexual problems can begin to develop in men. Majority of them still lead fully satisfying sex lives, simply making time for their partners and engaging in health lifestyle habits can keep men and their partners enjoying a happy and healthy sex as sex can keep you healthy without any problem.

Male Climacterium

This term is applied very loosely to describe a man’s reproductive and sexual ability. With the decrease in testosterone levels that interfere with his ability to father children and become aroused, many experts believe that climacterium also applies to men. While a major cause of this occurring is loss of sexual desire, this condition is not the only cause. Other causes for a decrease in a sex drive and libido can also include several psychological factors, including depression. Alcohol, illicit drug use, and a past sexual trauma can all cause a decrease in sexual desire, and can even slow down the natural production of testosterone. Certain physical conditions that can include heart disease, diabetes, and other reoccurring illnesses can also cause a man to lose interest in sex.

Read More: How Depression Affects Your Sex Life?


While there is a broad range of ages where men can experience a change in their levels of testosterone, other factors can be involved. Staying connected emotionally to his partner, and making healthy lifestyle choices can all help men continue to enjoy a healthy libido no matter their age. If a sudden decrease is noticed, a health care professional should be consulted to rule out a more serious health condition.