How to Make Your Lips More Attractive?

Undoubtedly, a woman’s lips are the most sensual part of her face. It’s not just a simple opinion or a popular belief, it’s backed by scientific research—believe it!

Dr Geoff Beatie, celebrity Psychologist formerly affiliated with Manchester University who is well-known for his studies in consumer behavior, led a study in 2010 that linked men’s attraction to women’s lips. The study measured the length of time a man stared at a woman’s lips and other parts of the face including the eyes and hair. The study concluded that men stared at red-tinted lips more intently for a longer period of time.

It’s settled then. A few minutes spent in front of the mirror shaping your lips and dabbing on a lipstick, whether dark red or nude, is sure to take away your date’s breath instead of spending hours artistically preparing your tantalizing eyes. So, don’t just say it with words, make your lips more attractive to deliver the results.

So What Makes an Attractive Pair of Lips?
Soft Lips. Remember that your lips are part of your skin. Just as you exfoliate your face and the rest of your body, take time to exfoliate your lips. You may go for commercially prepared bottles but, you’re better off settling for inexpensive, all-natural, homemade lip exfoliants. All you will need is a teaspoon or two of sugar and a drop of honey or almond oil to thicken the mixture. Dab and rub on your lips with massaging action, and voila! Say goodbye to dry, chapped lips!

Moist Lips. You know the drill for your skin: exfoliate and moisturize. But, did you know that the same routine applies for your lips? So, don’t forget to keep your lips moist. Always carry around a lip balm or a homemade lip moisturizing serum. To make one, mix honey and almond oil or rose oil together. Store in tiny lid-locked bottle. Keep anything in excess in the fridge to put off expiration.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day too to keep your lips from breaking.

Pink Lips. If you exfoliate and moisturize regularly, you can expect gorgeous, pinkish lips to follow. If dark, pigmented lips are your issue, infuse a juice of lemon into your honey lip balm or, dab on separately day and night. Lemon is a natural exfoliant that helps lift and flush away unwanted lip pigments and stains that make them dark. If you’re a smoker, you might want to consider quitting now.

Pouty Lips. If you haven’t yet learned from the Manchester University study findings, pouty, tinted lips make your lips breathtaking. Take time to dab on a lipstick on top of your lip balm or, use a tinted lip shimmer. Take your lips to the top by daring rouge or deep red color, and watch people’s eyes gaze over your standout pout!

A Good Set of Teeth. Attractive lips alone don’t cut the deal. Make sure your teeth are clean and well-kept. Make people notice your luscious lips, and not your poor hygiene by keeping your teeth free of yellowish stains. Visit your dentist regularly for thorough teeth and mouth cleaning.

Fresh Breath. A good set of teeth is not enough. Make sure your breath is always fresh; most especially if physical closeness is desired with your date. Don’t turn him on with your kissable lips, only to turn him off when he gets closer and smells your bad breath. Keep breath fresh by brushing and flossing regularly. End your routine with a mouthwash. For those moments when you can’t find time to go to the toilet to brush, always carry around a small bottle of mouthwash or unsweetened mint or breath spray. That shouldn’t be too big to make even your tiny, evening clutch bag bulge.

Lips can be one of the most, if not the number one, important part of your face that makes people attracted to you. Pay more attention to these often neglected parts of your face. Play up your lips to help you get the message across, and don’t forget—basic oral hygiene can go a long way where no lipstick or tint alone can take you.