With thousands of methods aiming to make penis bigger, you might wonder: What could be the safest and the most efficient male enhancement method? This article has one answer to that question: Penis exercise! Why is the safest and the most efficient? Read along.

In order for you to appreciate the importance of penis exercise, you should know why other methods are The Biggest Reason to Do Penis Exercisesnot advisable.

Other Methods


Many men believe that surgery is the best and the fastest way to make penis bigger. Well, for some reasons, surgery can really add an inch or two to your penis size. But experts say the additional inches in surgery are not that significant. There are also evidences showing that some penile surgeries can bring unwanted side effects such as disfigured penis or scarring.

External Devices

There external devices which are used either to extend or to increase the size of the penis. Here are some of them:

  • Hanging weights – This method includes the use of heavy tools which will be attached to the end of your penis. This is actually an ancient method but its historicity does not give the assurance of safety and efficacy. There are dozens of reports saying that the hanging weight method has dangerous effects such as the thinning out of the penis and some damages in the cell.
  • Enhancement Tools – There are various types of these tools. Here are some of them:
    • Traction Device – This uses traction forces to stretch the penis.
    • Penis Extender – Several devices are being attached to the penis in order to extend it.
    • Vacuum Pump – A cylinder will be placed on the penis for several hours a day.

However, these devices might bring some side effects such as disfigured penis, swelling, and scarring.

These methods have lots of promises. There are some successful ones. But, of course, you cannot sacrifice your health for the sole purpose of making your penis bigger—you are better than that. Besides, there are safe and effective ways to do that. And the best of them all is penis exercise.

Penis Exercise

This biggest reason why penis exercise is the safest and the most efficient is because it’s NATURAL. Just saying the word, you know you’ll never go wrong. Of all the treatments being manufactured in the world, there is no greater remedy than the natural—it has no side effects and  it encourages people to use what God has provided.

In penis exercise, you don’t have to use any external, hazardous materials. Your  bare hands will be fine. Here are two of the most known penis exercises:

Regular Stretching

As the name suggests this exercise entails squeezing and pulling the penis. Stretch it and hold it for several seconds then release it for 2 seconds. After breathing, start again. That easy. Just be consistent with it. Do it daily, if you will.

The Jelq

This exercise is a well-known method to make penis bigger. It’s easy to do:

  • Make sure your penis is in a semi-erect state.
  • Join your thumb and index finger together and encircle it around the penis.
  • Milk the penis in a forward motion (this will improve the blood flow to your penis).

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